Monday, November 23, 2009

Ride Announcement: December 6th

And Now For Something Completely Different!

This is a fantastic ride, run by Good Friend and Recumbent Cyclist, Doug Harris. Anybody that has dabbled with "Bents" for more then 10 years, knows Doug. He always brings extra charm and smiles to any ride.
Another one of our loves in Cycling is tooting around on Old British Cycling Iron. This is something we have been doing here in New England now for over 30 years. If you have never enjoyed a day tour on a 3 Speed bicycle, I highly recommend it.
Here is your invitation to Doug's ride:


"I say ol' chap nothing better to do on a Sunday morning than lie around and watch infomercials while breakfasting on powdered donuts and Sanka?"

Well, get off yer duff and come join us for a pub tour of Essex County! We'll travel the quaint and historic back roads of yesteryear, stopping along the way to quench our thirst with a pint or two of the best bitters and ales this side of the Atlantic. The ride should run about 25-30 miles and finish up back in Salem around half four. We'll visit Beverly, Wenham, Hamilton, Essex, and Manchester. Scenic rides along the sea and through the horse country....we might even catch "The Hunt" in action, jolly good!

Three speed bikes and traditional dress are appreciated but all are welcome!

Where? Salem Common Gazebo Salem, MA
When? Sunday December 6th @11am
Who? Anyone who can pedal a bike
Why? 'Cause I said so!

I hope you can take a break from Bentdom for a day and join us for this lovely ride!

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