Monday, November 9, 2009

Indian Summer in New England

What a wonderful time of year! And what a Wonderful style of bicycle to enjoy it on!

The forecasted weather for the next couple of days looks great. I'm sure Cyclists will be out in large numbers riding in what could be the last warm days and enjoying the last bit of the New England Autumn Color.

For me, I'm lucky. Monday is what the fellows at Wheelwork's call "My Friday." Tuesday and Wednesday is my week end. I can hear my friend Warren saying, "Lets hear it for New England Week Day Bicycle Touring!"

The roads south of Dover after 10:00 am are for the most part free of traffic until around 3:00 when the Moms in there Mini Vans and SUV's start the afternoon pick up. Smooth car free touring can be enjoyed for the hours between.

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