Saturday, April 24, 2010

My, Things Have Changed

I use to wake up on the bike. Dressing in the cycling clothing left on the floor from the night before. The first time I would check the time was while I was riding and not after at least 10 miles of making the bike go, would I start thinking about breakfast.
As changes in the land here in New England, I have changed too. Now when I wake,I find the coffee machine and make 4 double shots of Espresso, pour them in a Dimple Pint and wake up at the computer.
I love it. Just as I did waking up on those mornings 25 years ago. Telling story's and creating images. Expressing myself in fresh text, photos and video daily is truly a blast.
Sharing my adventures and stories with my readers has become my morning ride and what a ride it has been.
Again, the purpose of this blog is to get you outdoors and out of the house, Away to find that new special spot you can call your own. It doesn't take much to do it, only the understanding that what your going to experience is not what you expect. Life's little pleasures.
Thank You for reading my Blog. You are as important to this site as I am for writing it. I will continue for the simple reason that you are there. I really enjoy the comments about the stories and wish there were more.
Bosrug will continue as a window of Southern new England and beyond. The Recumbent is only a new tool to do it on and not the only reason for this site.
I was once asked to change the name of the blog so that others might enjoy it who are not into Recumbents.
Although change in this day and age seems constant, Enjoy for the moment, something that wont

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