Friday, February 5, 2010

Bike Aid for Haiti

Last night's event was a total success. It was amazing to see how fast the bike shop was transformed into a full on party space. The Wheelworks staff turned into "ant people" and moved everything in minutes. It was incredible!
The turn out was large. Wheelworker's from the past, friends and family and a huge amount of our customers turned out to support this great cause.
There were way too many prizes, some that never arrived at the store in time for the event, so we will be extending the raffle for another week. Check the Wheelworks web site for a list that will be posted this coming Tuesday.
If you were not able to attend and still want to donate, Call the store at
616-489-3577 and ask. Wheelworks will be excepting donations for the next couple of days.
Here are some of the photos from last nights event:

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