Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The 4th of July Ride

The Fourth of July is the time to ride a bicycle. Every 4th, for at least the past 40 years I have done some kind of special day ride.
This year was no different and just possibly, one of the best!
We met in Dover around 9:00 and after getting everything together were on the road with 4 cameras, 4 riders and 4 smiles.
Staying for most of the ride in the shade on back roads, we did all the favorites. Wilsondale, Dover road, Hartford st, Nebo, Phillip's. We made our way through Medfield Center and on to School st and then to the Medfield State Hospital Property and on to a dirt road. Screams of joy were heard from the back of the group, that this at that moment had become a "Real BOSRUG adventure!"
Much to our surprise we had a real life Tucan, (according to Brad and Me) cross the dirt road right in front of us. (Danni clams it was a Woodcock :)
Yesterdays header shot showed the field and the Rockey Narrows overlook.
Over the top of the little rise we could see that the Radio Controlled Model Airplane Group was flying today. The plane in the air was a new electric type and totally silent.
There were 5 pilots and about 4 planes and two helicopters waiting their turn. We stayed for enough time to be completely dazzled with the handling talent of one fellow with a nitro powered 4 foot wing span stunt model.

Very exciting.
We made our way back to the street and shortly later back into the shade.
The ride wasn't long or fast, but fun. We were back to the house by Noon and ready to start the afternoon feast of Roast Turkey and Steamed Salmon , Yumm!

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