Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Changing World of Alex Singer

One of the most famous bicycle shops in Paris is Alex Singer. Builders since the 1930's of custom Touring bicycles and Tandems, Singer attracts lovers of the hand built from all over the world.
On our last visit in early March, I was quite surprised to find what they had in their back room.

All Carbon M5 Recumbent

Not what most riders of steel bikes would expect to see in one of the most prestigious hand built custom bicycle shops in the world! My how things have changed!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

One More

Thats me standing in the lower left.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Road I Found Today

Some roads were meant for recumbents. The never ending down hill or room with a view. No matter the road, recumbents give you the feeling of just wanting to go back to the top and do it again!
Heres one any recumbent rider would love. Maybe its near your hometown. Any guesses where this is?

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