Sunday, December 26, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Eighteen inch's of snow with 45 mile per hour winds are forecasted for here today. Wet, not fluffy.
When it snows that much here, things come to a stop. People stay in and things get quiet.
Wet snow causes trees to bend and sometimes break. Breaking limbs sometimes cause power outages and if you have a fireplace and if you have candles, its an adventure. A moment without electricity and without computers and television is different and a well needed change.
One can only hope to be snowed in here in New England. Its what is missed by friends that have moved to warmer climates. The all mention it and wish they were back to experience a "Blizzard."
Check back later for photos and stories of what just may turn out to be "The Blizzard of 2010!" One can only hope!

1 comment:

  1. Shoveled a lot of snow today. Had to move my bike out of the way to get the shovel. I love winter and winter sports but I can't wait until the roads are clear and I can ride.


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