I managed to do a fair amount of travel, both here in New England and in France. 2009 had me finding new spots and returning to some of my most favorite.
This year I got back into fishing. One of the greatest thrills for me. I love taking the time and seeing whats under the water. I leave my fishing spots feeling a deeper appreciation of nature and a better understanding then if I just watched the surface of the water from above. Learning the times when the fish are hungry and whan the fishing is good. Learning the places on the pond or stream where fish are and the things below you will snag on. Dover has many perfect spots for this wonderful pastime and when ever I wanted to, I just grabbed the equipment and went out. People always asked me when I talked about my fishing sessions if I was Fly Fishing, in there mind seeing the big rod and line whipping back and forth standing in a flowing stream up to my waist. Funny that I never got into Fly Fishing. I just like a short "Pack Rod" and worms. Faster to catch fish, and that's what I'm there for.
This year was also a great year for my photography. I shot more movies this year and many more tripod still shots. Heading out alone on the bike made it easier to stop,set up, compose shots and really take my time to get what I want.
Although my overall miles this year were down because of the rain. I cant remember having as much fun over the whole year in years passed.
My trip to Paris was wonderful. Finding new spots every day on foot and really using the Metro for the first time after being in Paris now for my 15th time. I would just get on the train and get off when ever. Having the camera in my hand readied for the next shot and not having to take it out of a bag and set it up.
2009 was also the start of this Blog. I really love starting my day writing and editing. Adding photos makes the job seem more complete and when I meet folks I am aways told how much they enjoy reading it. I had a couple come in the store and buy a Bacchetta because they had been reading the Blog and said the sport looked like fun.
Lets hope that 2010 brings us all a good year for doing exactly what we want to do with the people we want to do it with. Loaded with lots of spare time and the energy and health to enjoy it with.
Happy New Year Everyone.
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